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At Gosberton House Academy, we want all of our pupils to benefit from the opportunities we provide. Good attendance supports positive wellbeing and helps children to achieve. We aim for an attendance rate of a minimum of 97%, in line with Government targets. We do, of course, understand that our children require a more bespoke approach at times and always want to support our families with this. We also understand that the additional needs of your children can mean more appointments to attend. We want to work with your child, and with you, to understand and support your child to attend as much as they possibly can, and work together to help provide reassurance and support. We also believe that school is a familiar, supportive environment where your children learn life skills, communication and independence skills and take part in a huge range of social learning opportunities. Should there be exceptional circumstances for which you need to ask for authorisation to take your child out of school, please contact us via Tapestry or phone and complete a request form.

Please note that absences for birthdays will be classed as unauthorised.

Please ensure that when you do report your child’s absence you leave a reason for this.