Admission Procedures
Gosberton House Academy
Admissions Procedures
- Parents/Carers are very welcome to make an appointment to visit the school and discuss a possible placement with the Principal or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
- If parent/carers are interested in securing a place, they will inform their child’s existing school or your case worker.
- Referral documents [including a Statement/Education, Health, Care Plan] will be forwarded to the school from Additional Needs Services Lincoln. The school has 15 working days in which to raise any initial queries with the Manager for Special Education Needs.
- If the school is able to offer a place, Parent/Carers will be invited to visit with their child.
- If the school is able to meet needs and has a place available a Transition Plan will be agreed.
- Transport arrangements, term times, school meals and after school activities will be finalised.
- The behaviour management policy will be described including the procedures regarding child protection.
- The procedure for positive physical intervention will be discussed in relation to the individual child. The parents may be asked to sign the necessary agreement.
- An integration programme will be drawn up responding to the particular requirements of the child. These arrangements may include a part time or staggered admission.
- Details of emergency arrangements and medical needs will be sort out and the parent/carer will sign general consent forms for school trips and activities.
- Where necessary a multi-agency meeting will be discussed and members of that meeting identified for invitation.
- If no place is available, further discussion will be held with the SEN section . It may be necessary to wait for the start of a new academic year. Some year groups may be full
- Where no appropriate vacancy exists the procedures will be followed up to and including the first interview.
- The time between interview and admission will be used to prepare the class and the school to welcome the new member.
- Travel, catering and clothing arrangements will be finalised with relevant agencies.
- Any multi-agency meeting arranged and transport arranged for family members.