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News and Events



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  • Tempest Photography

    Published 19/11/18

    School Photographs

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  • Family Fund

    Published 01/11/18

    Family Fund is a charity providing grants for families on low incomes raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.The grants are for a wide range of items to help ease additional pressure that families face.Please also see their website for further details : 

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  • NHS Flu Advice...

    Published 01/11/18

    Please see the NHS poster below for details on flu advice and ways to stay healthy during the winter months.

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  • Visit to school

    Published 30/10/18

    Chris Packham will be visiting GHA

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  • New Group Room

    Published 29/10/18

    Gosberton House Academy

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  • Half Term

    Published 19/10/18

    Half Term

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  • Family Roast Dinner Day

    Published 15/10/18

    This will be held on Wednesday 14th November at 12 noon,2018.This is a lovely opportunity to come and eat with your child and experience this important part of the day. We have limited amounts of tickets for adults at £4.00 and for siblings at £2.20.Please return your slip and adult/sibling payments to the school office.Please order and pay your child's roast dinner, as normal,on ParentPay.Closing date to order and pay for tickets is Monday 5th November.

    We hope to see you there !

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  • Little Miracles

    Published 10/10/18

    Little Miracles Charity in Bourne

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  • Flu Consent

    Published 09/10/18

    Flu Consent

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  • Mums Sports Afternoon

    Published 28/09/18

    Please don't forget to join in the fun next Friday 5th October for Mums, Lads & Lasses Day - This is actually for all mums, aunts or female relatives to take part.It starts at 1.30 pm and is great fun - Hope to see you there !

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  • Healthy Minds

    Published 26/09/18

    Healthy Minds Information

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  • Ofsted & the Care Quality Commission Inspection

    Published 25/09/18

    Inspection from Ofsted & the Care Quality Commission (CQC) 

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