At Gosberton House Academy we believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of their learning and holistic development.
Learning Outside the Classroom happens every day, the outdoor environment can be very calming to some of our children so it is really important we have access to it at all times. The school grounds are very exciting to explore, from the sensory garden, to the minibeast hotel, to the tyre swings on the field, our children have access to a very stimulating and creative outdoor area within the school grounds.
This is why we are so pleased to announce that Gosberton House Academy has been accredited with the Silver Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) mark. This is a huge achievement for the school and celebrates all the fantastic work of the children and staff do within the school grounds and when attending off-site visits. This award highlights the progression of our schools Learning Outside the Classroom provision as we continue to aim to achieve the very best practice for all our children.
‘LOtC Silver Mark’ recognises schools and settings with a strong commitment to providing frequent, continuous and progressive learning outside the classroom experiences to all pupils.
“We are so pleased to have achieved this award for the school and for our wonderful children as a recognition of their fantastic work not only in the classroom but also around their outdoor environment.”- Miss J Bradbury (LOtC lead).