Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum - March 2022 News!
Please see below the March Newsletter from the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum.
Welcome to LPCF’s Latest news!
The good news is we have just published the “Week of SEND” report which can be seen on the library page of our website for your information. We had an impressive 292 evaluations to analyse during the week so as you can imagine it has taken a while!
Please feel free to share this with your colleagues or use it as evidence of your participation in our week.
Please publicise our FREE events to the parents you work with.
Parents have to be LPCF members to join the sessions below, but can join up via our website link
Juggling the Joys of Parenting
Fifth session on 17th March 11.30 – 1pm
( monthly free workshops for parents and carers on the LPCF membership)
Fifth session - "Understanding Strategies”
If you are you a parent, grandparent, Carer, relative or friend of a child/adult with special needs or a disability?
...then these workshops are a must for you!
This series is aimed at parent carers who wish to have fun, meet other parent carers that want to make life easier and learn new strategies that can make a very real difference.
Our host Hil Gibb & LPCF will be running monthly virtual sessions - so why not join us. Places are FREE to parents on the LPCF membership.
See the link for more details
Email :admin to book your place now
Hypnotherapy with Nicole
Please encourage parents to join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve mental health & wellbeing.
Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be providing proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.
Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.
Topic -Becoming more aware
Date: Thursday 17th March 2022 7.30pm- 9pm
These sessions are for LPCF members only. Please encourage parents to join up on the sign up page of the website.
LPCF Excellence Awards
Have you been working with a family and have achieved positive results – if so please ask them to join LPCF and nominate your service for our LPCF Excellence award.
You never know you could win it!
Please see our Hall of fame for the recent nominations
It could be you?
Information on Covid
LPCF have dedicated a section in the Information Library to the current COVID-19 crisis. It has lots of information and support for parents and also lots of activities and resources for children.
LPCF Outreach Project
We still have some free capacity if you would like a Zoom visit from one of our volunteers to let your staff or the parents you work with know more about LPCF.
For availability please email
Max Cards
Parents who join our membership and fulfil the criteria are offered a free discount card.
The Information page of the LPCF website contains more detail.
We have added a few more consultations to our website that may be of interest to the parents you work with:-
- Consultation on Revised Behaviour in Schools Guidance and Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance
- Lincolnshire Young voices
- Families or Friends of Young Carers Survey
Parental resources library
This page of the LPCF website > information>parental resources
gives parents useful documents from other organisations to ensure that parents are kept well informed of what services they can offer.
If your organisation has any generic leaflets or brochures in pdf that inform parents about your service or offer of support and wish to support LPCF with this initiative please let us know.
Additions to LPCF website
Update on the implementation of the liberty protection safeguards (Posted on library 03.02.22)
- Down Syndrome positions statement. A Draft position statement from the NNPCF.
( Posted on library 03.02.22) - See more details of the £86 million investment in SEND ( SEND page>what’s next – posted 08.02.22)
- (Posted 08-02-2022)Latest News -Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Division 
- More events for parents on our events page( including Cerebral Palsy Football)
- Report on promoting positive behaviour ( posted 10.03.22)
Please help our Charity – you don’t have to be a parent!
Please help us to help you by using Amazon Smile and Easy fundraising. It doesn’t cost you anything but it does help our Charity.
LPCF Lottery Club – we have a small lottery club , which helps to raise funds and you can join for either £26 for 6 months or £52 for a year. Monthly prizes are £50, £10 and £5. Winners can be seen on the funding page.
You’ve got to be in it to win it!!
Why not bookmark LPCF’s website on your browser for easy access.
Please encourage parents you work with to join LPCF, as the earlier we can support them on their journey the better outcomes for the whole family in terms of engagement, signposting, information & support. It also gives LPCF a bigger voice in Lincolnshire to help improve the provision of services for families.
Please also encourage other professionals you work with to join our professional membership so they are kept informed too!
Our leaflet for parents has been updated so if you need any to give to parents please let us know. Thank you for your support