Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum Newsletter!
Please see below the latest newsletter from the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum!
February 2023 Welcome to LPCF’s Latest news! As you can see we have attached a Newsletter should you have any parents who would like to know more about us or you would like to display it on your website. Thank you.
A big thank you for your support during the “Week of SEND”. We have had some really positive feedback which we will be sharing with you shortly.
Important please! Due to Covid-19 it has been 3 years since we measured the state of SEND in Lincolnshire. We do this by giving your parents and SENCo’s the opportunity to tell us what it’s like for themselves as parents of children with SEND or SENCo’s who work with them.
We have paper copies going to schools and settings and an electronic version available on the website (for ease) click here:-
Please help us by circulating it to the parents you work with or if you are a SENCo completing it yourself, so we can accurately represent your views and help to improve services.
LPCF would be grateful if you could please publicise our events to the parents you work with. Thank you. |
Monthly Free workshops Juggling the Joys of parenting Date: Thursday 23rd February 11.30am – 1pm Workshop 4:Effective Communication 2 Are you a parent, grandparent, carer, relative or friend of a child/adult with special needs or a disability? Yes? ...then these FREE workshops are a must for you! Caring for someone can be a bit daunting at times. Often wonder if things could be better? Of course, there is always room for improvement in everything we do and here are a series of workshops that can really help make a difference to our daily lives and to our families. This series is aimed at parent carers who wish to have fun, meet other parent carers that want to make life easier and learn new strategies that can make a very real difference. LPCF proudly presents Hil Gibb to run these monthly workshops on Zoom for parents on the LPCF membership. Hypnotherapy with Nicole Please encourage parents to join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be providing proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives. Date: Thursday 23rd February 7.30pm – 9pm
Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere. These sessions are for LPCF members only. Please encourage parents to join up on the sign up page of the website. Dates for your diary in March Toilet Skills (Continence Issues) Date: Monday 20th March 7.00pm – 8.30pm LPCF are pleased to offer the workshop delivered by the LCC Specialist Children's Continence Nurse. The workshop will cover :-
LPCF Excellence award |
Congratulations to Feathers Teens CIC who were awarded first place in the LPCF Excellence awards. Parents Voice In this edition we have thoughts from the chair about The LPCF State of SEND Survey, LPCF Excellence award nominations, the LPCF Outreach project and the exciting LPCF Week of SEND plus parents views on:-Sensory/ADHD Friendly bedrooms, Max Card parents feedback, Message from Health, ASD Diagnosis, EHCP's, CAMHS - parental frustrations, Private sensory OT, Technology on a budget, Christmas on a budget, Home schooling, Seatbelt safety, Short Breaks, Autism and acid reflux, request for a xmas present!, Dyslexia Assessment, SEMH School recommendation, Transition into adulthood, EHC Reviews timescales, EHC plan delivery, Week of SEND, “Your Say" Feedback….Plus much more. LPCF Outreach Project Latest Question time - New people in the hot seat For our next two Question Times we have Josie from the LCC SEND team answering questions on personal budgets and the Liaise team answering questions about their role, remit and the support they offer - so please keep your questions coming. The question times will only take place when we have enough questions ( approx. 20) so keep them coming! To find the Question time page -go to the LPCF website Information>LPCF Question time. Please see the answers to the questions you posed previously here:- Additions to LPCF website (please see achievements page)
Whats on? Please see this link Updated regularly -so keep a look out for things to do in the community & beyond. Max Cards Please encourage parents you work with to join LPCF, as the earlier we can support them on their journey the better outcomes for the whole family in terms of engagement, signposting, information & support. It also gives LPCF a bigger voice in Lincolnshire to help improve the provision of services for families. |