FSM Vouchers
An update for Parents & Carers who receive Free School Meals for their children
Dear Parent/Carer
During these challenging times, we want to ensure that pupils eligible for free school meals can continue to access support if they are not in school.
We have now accessed the Government Website to set up eVouchers for those in receipt of benefit related Free School Meals.
You will receive an email today from Edenred ( the distribution company for the Vouchers).
This email will contain a 16 digit eCode and a link to the website where you can go and get your eVoucher. Please read the FAQs for parents and carers along with this statement- it will explain things in more detail.
The voucher will be for the value of £15 per pupil per week. Today you will receive 2 week’s worth as we have backdated to 23 March and paid to end of this week 3rd April.
Unfortunately the DfE will not allow payment over the Easter holidays.
Please note that the supermarket vouchers cannot be used to purchase age restricted products, such as cigarettes and alcohol. If you have any questions, please refer to these useful FAQs:
Or see the attached document.
Yours sincerely
Louise Stanton