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School Policies

Please click on the links below to view our policies.

  1. GHA Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy v18 September 23 doc
  2. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Part One pdf
  3. GHA Remote learning policy 23-24 doc
  4. GHA Allergy Management Policy 23-24 docx
  5. GHA Positive Handling Policy 23-24 doc
  6. GHA Suspensions and Exclusions policy 23-24 docx
  7. GHA Parent Code of Conduct 23-24 docx
  8. GHA Intimate Care Policy 23-24 docx
  9. GHA Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy 23-24 doc
  10. GHA Online Safety Policy 23-24 docx
  11. GHA GDPR Policy pdf
  12. UOLAT Job Applicant Privacy Notice Master pdf
  13. GHA Handwriting Policy 23-24 docx
  14. Capital Alphabet pdf
  15. Cursive Letters pdf
  16. Printed Alphabet pdf
  17. GHA Protection Of Biometric Information pdf
  18. Accessibility Plan 19-23 pdf
  19. Freedom of Information Policy 2021 pdf
  20. GHA Health & Safety Policy V8 pdf
  21. Communications GHA 2021 pdf
  22. Privacy Policy Parents & Pupils docx
  23. GHA Work Experience Policy 23-24 docx
  24. GHA Volunteer Policy 23-24 doc
  25. GHA Drugs Policy 23-24 docx
  26. GHA Pupil Premium Policy 23-25 doc
  27. GHA School Uniform Policy 23-24 docx
  28. Whistleblowing Policy 23-24 pdf
  29. GHA Charging and Remissions Policy 23-24 docx
  30. GHA SEN Policy 23-24 doc
  31. GHA Data Retention Policy 2023 pdf
  32. UoLAT Data Protection Policy Dec 2023 pdf
  33. GHA Educational Visits Policy 23-24 doc
  34. GHA Banned Items Policy 23-24 docx
  35. GHA School Visitors Policy 23-24 docx
  36. Photos and Video Policy docx
  37. GHA Sports Premium Action Plan 23-24 docx
  38. GHA Admissions Policy 23-24 doc
  39. GHA Autism Policy 2024 doc
  40. GHA PE Policy 2024 docx
  41. GHA Statement on British Values 2024 docx
  42. Sensory Inclusion Policy 2024 doc
  43. GHA Risk Assessment Sept 2023 docx
  44. GHA Home School Communications Policy 23-24 docx
  45. Ex Offenders Recruitment Policy - March 2024 pdf
  46. UoLAT Complaints Policy and Procedure - 2024 pdf
  47. UoLAT Equality and Diversity Policy (including Public Sector Equality Duty) 2024 - 2026 pdf
  48. Trust Attendance Policy September 2024 docx